Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 21 (1985)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side B).tzx
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9 y=y+(y<175 9 x=x+(x<255 7 o,o;"PRESS 6 STOP THE TAPE 6 PRESS A KEY 5 z$="00000202 5 RUN THE TAPE 5 LET THE TAPE RUN 4 );" " 4 copies.)" 3 z$="00000204 3 `9.95 Print'n'Plotter Products. 3 PAINT PLUS 3 ;"padcode" 3 ;"lib2code" 3 ;"lib1code" 3 (((VVVVVVVV 2 z$="10030203STOP THE TAPE": 2 z$="10020203 2 z$="04030104 2 l=l+(l<max)*(k$="6" 2 k$="7")*(y+yy<167 2 k$="6")*(y+yy>7 2 k$="5")*(x+xx>7 2 `12.95 Softek International Ltd. 2 ZERO COMPRESSION 2 TOWER LOADING 2 GENERAL NOTES 2 About `144 BRITISH MICRO Ltd. 2 ;"wincode" 2 ;"padinst" 2 ;"library 2" 2 ;"library 1" 2 ;"Use up and down keys to read thenotes. 2 ;"TOWER.SCR" 2 ;"TOWER.COD" 2 ;"REVIEWS" 2 ;"CROSSWORD": 2 88888888888=888 2 888888888888888 2 *(x+xx<254 2 "lib2code" 2 "lib1code" 2 "M/drive No? ( 2 "ENTER file name";n$ 2 to cancel. " 2 to abort.)" 2 for the menu, 2 for tape.)";d: 2 for UDG's.( 2 CONCLUSIONS 1 zzzzzzz:z*(((( 1 zzzzzzz::*(((( 1 zxxxxxxzWW 1 zxxxxxxxGG 1 z=prog+291 1 z$=l$+c$+h$+v$+ 1 z$="18140103 1 z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="10000212SIDE 1 z$="08000203 1 z$="06030205INSTRUCTIONS": 1 z$="0108020216/48PAD": 1 z$="01020104 1 z$="00020402WINDOWS": 1 z$="00020402DRAWING": 1 z$="00010602MODES": 1 z$="00010502 1 z$="00010302THAT'S IT!": 1 z$="00000802TEXT": 1 z$="00000802 1 z$="00000402THE KEYS": 1 z$="00000402 1 yy=yy+(k$="e")*(y+yy<175 1 xx=xx+(k$="f")*(x+xx<255 1 xx=xx+(k$= 1 x=x+(k$="f")*8 1 raw mode the direction and cursor keys will move the flashing cursor."''"Pressing CAPS SHIFT at the same time as any direction key will leave an ink line on the screen."''"Pressing SYMBOL SHIFT will eraseany ink in the path of the cursor." 1 raw mode the cursor is movedby pixels with the 1 padinst D 1 padcode I 1 o,o;"Press frame number ( 1 o,o;"PRESS frame number. 1 o,o;"PRESS frame number of screen to be added. ( 1 o,o;"PRESS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, 1 o,o;"Cursor keys scroll attributes. 1 o,o;"Cursor keys change size, Delete backspaces, ENTER finishes. ";g$ 1 o,o;"CLEAR SCREEN. ARE YOU SURE? (Y/N) " 1 o,o;"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO QUIT? ( 1 o,o;" Press 1 o,o;" PRESS ANY KEY TO PAUSE " 1 main rouitine 1 library 2 1 library 1 j 1 lib2code 1 lib1code 1 l=l+(k$="6" 1 k$="8")*(xx+x<247 1 k$="8")*(x+xx<248 1 k$="7")*(yy>8 1 k$="6")*(y-yy>0 1 k$="5")*(xx>8 1 ii,o;"The routine at 22AAH in the ROM is called with the y co-ordinatein the B register and the value for x in the C register." 1 i,o;"HIT A KEY( 1 i,o;"(((((( (!(""(#($(%(&('(((((((((((": 1 display subroutine 1 direction keys 1 comp21 1 c=c+(k$="8" 1 agazine Ltd. *6\$: 1 a$=" " 1 Z$="LLCC0202"+A$(N,1 1 Z$="00000420BYE BYE!": 1 Z$=" YCC0202"+A$(N,Y/2 1 YY 1 XXXXXXX XXXX X X X XX XXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X X XXXX XXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXX XX X X X XXXX XXXXXXXC. 1 WINDOW SCROLLING ROUTINE 1 WINDOW SCROLLING 1 WINDOW SCROLL 1 VVVV((((((((((((((((((((((((VVVVVVVV(((((((((((8888(.......(VVVVVVVV(88888888888888(.FFFFF.(VVVVVVVV(88888888888888(.F600F.(VVVVVVVV(88898888888888(.F000F.(VVVVVVVV(88899998888888(.F000F.(VVVVVVVV(88899999888888Gpp000F.(VVVVVVVV(888888998pxxxxxppppFF.(VVVVVVVV(888889998xxxxxxxFpp...(VVVVVVVV((((((((((xxxxxxx@@(((((VVVVVVVV((((((((((xxxxx~G@@@((((VVVVVVVV((((((((((xxxx 1 TOWER.SCR 1 TOWER.COD 1 TOWER.BAS N 1 TOWER OF HANOY 1 THE NEXT PROGRAM ON THIS TAPE!!! 1 THE KING WHO SERVED UP JOHN'S HEAD TO SALOMEK 1 SEPTEMBER 1 SCREEN COMPRESSION ROUTINE 1 SAVE""wincode""CODE 32000,33 1 S$="XXXXXXX XXXX X X X XX XXXXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXX XXXX X X X X XXXX XXXXXXX X X X X XXXXXXXXX XX X X X XXXX XXXXXXX" 1 ROP can copy from memory as many times as you like." 1 RIGHT";b;" 1 REVIEWS 1 REVIEWS 1 RAW mode and from this mode you can select 1 QUIT ROUTINE 1 PRINT WORD 1 PRINT CLUE 1 PRESS ANY KEY 1 OOOOOxxxFF 1 MODE to manipulate the screen." 1 MODE and starts from the position of the attribute cursor." 1 MODE to work on the attributes or 1 MEM",""," 1 M/CODE LIBRARY 2 1 M/CODE LIBRARY 1 1 LIBRARY 2 1 INPUT WORD 1 ICK will put the contents of the window into memory and that 1 GRAPHICS REVIEWS 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGDDDDDDDDDGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGEEEEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBrtlhG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBrtlhGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBrtlhGGGGG 1 GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGBrtlhGGGGGG 1 GGGGGBrtlhGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGGGBrtlhGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GGBrtlhGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 GBrtlhGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG 1 FRANK BRUNO'S BOXING 1 FFOOOOOOOOFFFFFFFFxxxxxxx 1 FFFxxxxxx8 1 FFFFxxxxxxx8 1 FFFFFOOOOOOOOFFFF 1 FFFFFFFFxxxxxxxy 1 FFFFFFFFxxxxxxxx 1 FFFFFFFFxxxxxxxO 1 FFFFFFFFFFFFGFF 1 FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF 1 EXPANSION LISTING 1 ELITE COMPETITION, 1 ELITE COMPETITION 1 DEMONSTRATION 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Chiswick, London W4 4PH. 1 CROSSWORD 1 CROSSWORD 1 COMPRESSION LISTING 1 COMPETITION 1 CHECK FOR FINISH 1 CFFFFFFFGx 1 CADAVER 1 1 6 00HAM 1 9 2 00NOVEMBER 3 4 7 00OILRIG 5 1 5 00URGE 5 8 3 00ACTS 7 1 3 00CALIPH 7 6 5 00ZEPPELIN 9 1 7 00COS 111 2 00LINSEED 115 6 00CONGO 1 1 4 10ANZAC 7 1 4 10PLATYPUS 4 3 7 10VIOLIN 1 5 5 10PEEL 8 5 3 10REEF 1 7 3 10MARIAN 6 7 5 10HIBERNIA 1 9 7 10MORSE 1 114 10HEROD 7 114 10W 1 ASSEMBLY LISTING 1 ARRAY AND NT E E R UT A LOGICALRED L U LI COMMA SBIN W E BITU E IN E RT X T E IEXTEND OPEN O O E GOR RETURN 1 ;"w=17 characters"; 1 ;"padinst": 1 ;"library 2": 1 ;"library 1": 1 ;"You must pick it up first. Press any key to continue. ": 1 ;"We start our library with a muchrequested routine to compress the display file." 1 ;"Verified O.K. Press any key. ": 1 ;"The code starts at 32000 and it is 87 bytes long." 1 ;"TOWER.BAS" 1 ;"Saved and verified O.K. Press any key.": 1 ;"Rewind and play to verify.": 1 ;"REVIEWS": 1 ;"PRESS the letter you wish to define. 1 ;"PRESS frame number. 1 ;"PRESS A KEY": 1 ;"PRESS A KEY ( 1 ;"CROSSWORD" 1 ;"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO QUIT? PRESS Y FOR YES OR N FOR NO." 1 ;"16/48PAD": 1 ;"16/48PAD" 1 ;"(Try BREAK and experiment.) 1 ;" PAPER"; 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ::888888888 1 8::::8888888888 1 888888888888==888 1 8888888888888=888 1 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 1 888888888888888888 1 8888888888888888 1 88888888888888800000000 1 8888888888888880000 1 888888888888880000000000 1 8888888888888000000000000 1 88888888888800000000000000 1 32048 will expand the file back onto the screen." 1 32000 will perform the compression and return with the end address of the compressed file in x." 1 16/48PAD 1 16/48PAD 1 16/48#21/2 1 16/48 Magazine, 1 10 Barley Mow Passage, 1 0000000088:::::8888888 1 000000000000000000000006000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008000800000000000000000000000000000888888888000000000000000000000088888888880000000000000000000 1 00000000000 1 -((VVVVVVVV 1 -(((VVVVVVVV 1 +(k$>"5")+(k$="6")+2 1 *(k$="x")*(y-yy>0 1 *(k$="k")-.2 1 *(k$="j"): 1 *(k$="e")*(y<175 1 *(k$="a"): 1 *(k$="7")) 1 *(k$="4")+(k$>"4")*10 1 *(k$="3")+12 1 *(k$="1")+6 1 );"hours "; 1 )-(k$="x")*(y+yy>0 1 )-(k$="s")*(x>7 1 )-(k$="s")*(x+xx>0 1 )*(y+yy<175 1 )*(y+w<167 1 )*(x+xx<255 1 )*(x+w<247 1 )*(x+h<256 1 ));"Minutes."'"PRESS ANY KEY ( 1 ) to store. Press 1 (a/256)"'"To display the file poke the same two numbers into 32049 and 32050 respectively." 1 (a/256) POKE 32005,a-256* 1 (((VVVVVVVV((((((((@ 1 (((VVVVVVVV( 1 (((VVVVVPPV(((((((((@xxxxxwpp 1 (((VPPVVVVV(((((((((@xxzxx~G 1 ((((VVVVVVVV 1 ''''"In most modes you have two ways of moving the cursor, boxes, windows or circles." 1 '''"There are 3 modes. This may seemconfusing, but the availability of each mode is always clearly advertised at the bottom of the screen." 1 '''"The only thing which you need toremember here is that 1 '''"Text entry is accessed from the 1 '''"Press any key to start again."''" 1 '''"Most of this should be much clearer when you see the programin action. Especially as the options are displayed on the screen at all times." 1 '''"In the 1 ''"The cursor keys (on good o'l rubber keyboards keys 5-8) move the cursor by 8 pixels at a timefor faster movement." 1 '"You start in 1 '"You must use the cursor keys to select the size of text you wishto use."''"This is the one occasion when the rubber key owner must use the CAPS SHIFT with keys 5-8. This is because the unshifted keys will simply print the numbers." 1 '"When transferring the display file to memory the routine will stop every time it finds a zero.After transferring the zero it will count the number of zeros which follow and transfer the number it counts." 1 '"WRITE down the sequence of key presses and send it in to-" 1 '"To store the compressed file at any other address(a) you can- POKE 32004, 1 '"The subroutine returns with the address of the screen byte in the HL register pair. (It also puts the pixel position within that byte into the A register, but we will ignore that in this program.)" 1 '"The scroll uses CALL 22AAH to get the address of the start of each row of pixels into DE and the address of the row beneath into HL. Then it moves the lowerrow up with LDIR." 1 '"The routine calls a very useful routine in the ROM. This residesat 22AAH (8873 decimal) and is used to find the screen address of any pixel." 1 '"The compression routine stores the compressed display file at 32090. LET x= 1 '"The code is not relocatable. I recommend using an assembler if you want to relocate.";#1 1 '"Since this is the only CALL, thecode is relocatable.";#i; 1 '"Rotations, Flips and Scrolls always operate on the visible contents of the window and they finish by performing the same function as 1 '"RANDOMIZE 1 '"Any data containing blocks of zeros (not just screens) can be compressed considerably using this routine." 1 "or circles you have to INPUT theradius or curvature.","","Enclosed shapes can be filled with ink or one of 4 shading patterns." 1 "library 2" 1 "library 1" 1 "leaving a trail of 3D brick wallbehind you.","" 1 "end1","00010304 1 "end1","00000404 1 "WINDOWS 1 "There is an associated set of utilities called the SCREEN MACHINE. This has a selection ofmachine code routines for addingor manipulating screens. If you have been a regular 16/48 readeryou will find nothing new here." 1 "The next page shows a table of scores for all the programs in this review. The maximum mark ineach category is 5. A zero mark indicates that a function is notavailable." 1 "The fill routine can be defined in almost unlimited ways and canproduce amazing efects.","end1" 1 "TOWER.SCR" 1 "TOWER.COD" 1 "TOWER.BAS" 1 "So just to recap-","","POKE MEM+1,y","POKE MEM+3,x","POKE MEM+10,h","POKE MEM+23,w","RANDOMIZE 1 "SPEED 1 "Like PAINT PLUS, it doesn't drawon the bottom two lines of the screen.","","Value for money 10/10!","end2" 1 "IF IT WASN'T SYMMETRICAL IT WOULD BE A GRANNY","ROBIN'S MAID","THE LATIN NAME FOR THE EMERALD ISLE","IN THIS ALPHABET YOU DASH YOUR Ts AND DOT YOUR Es","THE KING WHO SERVED UP JOHN'S HEAD TO SALOME" 1 "ENTER the word "; 1 "ENLARGE 1 "EASE OF USE 1 "CROSSWORD" 1 "CIRCLES 1 "About 18 month ago I reviewed the only Spectrum sketch pad program worth considering at thetime - Melbourne Draw. But how does it compare with today's pixel manipulators?" 1 "ATTRIBUTES 1 "A TRIGONOMETRICAL LETTUCE","THE OIL USED IN OIL PAINT","THE 2ND LONGEST RIVER IN AFRICA","A MEMBER OF THE ANTIPODEAN COMMONWEALTH FORCES","BEAK, WEBBED FEET, LAYS EGGS, BUT NOT A DUCK OR EVEN A BIRD","A NON FELONIOUS FIDDLE","THE FOUNDER OF THE LONDON POLICE" 1 "A CORPSE FROM CARD AVE","AMATEUR RADIO OPERATOR","THE MONTH AFTER NEXT","A SHOUT AND A BACKWARD GIRL SPELL OUT THIS INSTALLATION","EGG ON","A NEW TESTAMENT BOOK ABOUT MIXEDUP CATS?","MUSLIM CIVIL OR RELIGIOUS LEADER","THE ""LED"" VERSION IS LOUDER THANTHE FLYING ONE" 1 "63319",174 1 "63179",46 1 "3",o;"This month we give a short routine (only 33 bytes) which will scroll the contents of any size of window. As written it scrolls upward, but when you seehow it is done you shouldn't have any trouble making it work downwards." 1 "23658",o: 1 "23606",o: 1 "23301",(k$="q")+2 1 "23300",16 1 "16/48PAD" 1 "16/48#21/2" 1 "1 INTRODUCTION","2 PAINT PLUS","3 THE ARTIST","4 GRAFPAD","5 16/48PAD","6 CONCLUSIONS","Q QUIT" 1 ","When all the zeros are done we can do the next byte."," 1 ","VALUE! 1 ","SHADE/FILL 1 ","SCALING 1 ","LOOP again if we have not done all the rows."," RET","Back to BASIC." 1 ","If the counter reaches 0(or 256)then exit from the count loop."," DEC BC","One less byte to do."," LD A,B","Check whether we have finished."," OR C","A will be 0 if BC=0."," JR NZ, 1 ","If some zeros still left repeat this loop."," JR 1 ","If not zero then go to the exit from the count routine."," INC HL","Point to the next byte."," INC E","Add 1 to the count." 1 ","If not zero go back and do the next byte."," PUSH DE","Save the pointer so that we can use E as a counter."," LD E,1","Set zero counter to 1." 1 ","If counter is zero then we go back and do the next byte."," 1 ","If byte not zero then transfer the next byte."," LD A,(HL)","If the last byte was zero this one is the zero counter."," INC HL","Move the pointer on." 1 ","If BC=0 then jump to exit."," OR A","Check byte for zero."," JR NZ, 1 ","FULL SCREEN 1 ","FLIP/ROTATE 1 ","Exit if we have finished." 1 ","Do the next byte." 1 ","Carry on counting zeros if we have not finished." 1 ","CURVES 1 ","","","This demo shows","one way of","using the window.","","If we load the","code at MEM","(in this case","MEM=32000)","We must...","","POKE MEM+1,y","","POKE MEM+3,x","","POKE MEM+10,h","","POKE MEM+23,w","","and call the","routine with","","RANDOMISE USR MEM" 1 "(300+100* 1 "''"Cursor"'"keys"'"move *"''" 1 "''"Correct entries enter a draw on 15th OCTOBER. 1st prize `75 NikeSportswear voucher. 2nd prize a `25 voucher. Plus 1 "'"When you see the picture use keys 1 "","You pays your money, and you takes your choice." 1 "","You can use the PAINT PLUS software with the Grafpad (why anyone would want to beats me!) or you might even hack into 16/48PAD and change the basic toaccept Grafpad input.","","","What more could you want?" 1 "","When you do produce a Spectrum masterpiece, why not send it to us and get your name in Bytes!","end1" 1 "","This package is an updated and slightly improved version of P&P's old ""Paintbox"" program.","","The package is functional, but short on drawing facilities. Youare limited to drawing lines between points. If you want arcs" 1 "","This is the most sophisticated of the software packages.","It has a very powerful airbrush function which alows you easily to define the brush area and spray pattern. Imagine moving a cursor around the screen and" 1 "","There is a magnify by 8 facilitywhich is greatly inferior to the one on Melbourne Draw." 1 "","The words seem","to come from","nowhere because","they are printed","in blue ink on","blue paper.","","Since the routine","only scrolls the","ink, you don't","see it until it","scrolls into the","line above.","","" 1 "","The overlay mode is a powerful facility which enables you to cut and paste portions of your design. It will even stretch or squeeze sections of screen in either direction." 1 "","The UDG functions are very good.You can have up to 5 banks of UDG's in memory at one time." 1 "","The 90 degree window rotation isunique and the window facilitiesin general make the program veryuseful.","","I found the key layout awkward and the lack of a magnification routine would make me revert to Melbourne Draw for fine work." 1 "","So what do you get for all this money? Well, you get some very sophisticated hardware in the form of an A4 graphics tablet and some excellent software by Jon Ritman." 1 "","Of course `9.95 is a lot to pay for a manual, but this is easilythe best book on screen creationand manipulation on the Spectrumthat I have seen.","" 1 "","It takes time and effort to get the best out of this packeage, but the power is there and it would be hard to do better without added hardware.","end2" 1 "","I reviewed this in issue 6 and said that it was the ultimate inSpectrum graphics aids. This is still true. If you are serious about Spectrum graphics then youcan do no better than to invest in a Grafpad." 1 "","All the programs reviewed will allow you to create high res' designs and let you define User Defined Graphics. Although they all do the same job their pricesrange from 1 "","A very important, but commonly overlooked, part of any softwarepackage is the manual. The P+ manual is excellent.","end1" 1 " POP AF","Get the counter of the stack."," DEC A","decrement the counter."," JR NZ, 1 " OR A","Check counter for zero."," JR Z, 1 " Melbourne Draw has aged well. For value and ease of use it would still be my choice for most situations." 1 " LD HL,32090","Point HL at the compressed file."," LD DE,4000H","Point DE at the display file."," LD BC,6912","BC holds the length of the file when expanded." 1 " LD HL,16384","Point HL at display file."," LD DE,32090","Point DE at storage location."," LD BC,6912","Put display file length in BC."," 1 " LD A,E","Fetch the count."," POP DE","Get the pointer off the stack."," DEC A","Remove the original 1 from the count."," LD (DE),A","Put the zero count in the compressed file."," 1 " JR Z, 1 " JR NZ, 1 " JP PO, 1 " If you need lots of power you will have to go for ARTIST and if you can justify the expense then buy a Grafpad." 1 " INC DE","Point to the next location."," DEC BC","One less left to do."," LD A,B","Check whether we have finished."," OR C","A will be 0 if BC=0."," JR Z, 1 " However, you have a perfectly acceptable, but by no means perfect (Thanks a million!-Ed.) graphics package with 16/48PAD. So why worry?" 1 " POP DE","Get the upper row address off the stack into DE."," PUSH HL","Save the lower row address on the stack. It will be the upper row address next time."," LD B,0","Empty the B register as LDIR will only need 32 bytes max."," LD C,WIDE","Load BC with the width of the window in bytes." 1 " POP BC","Retreive x,y co-ordinates."," LD A,HIGH","Load the A register with the height of the window(in pixels).This acts as a counter."," 1 " LDIR","Move the row of pixels up."," POP HL","Retreive the lower row address."," POP BC","Retreive the x,y co-ordinates."," POP AF","Retreive the row count."," DEC A","One row less left to do." 1 " LD B,Y","Put upper Y co-ordinate in B."," LD C,X","Put left X co-ordinate in C."," PUSH BC","Save BC because B is corrupted by the ROM routine."," CALL 22AAH","Call the pixel address routine. HL now holds address of top row." 1 " JR NZ, 1 " DEC B","Drop Y by one to find the address of the next row down."," PUSH BC","Save the x and y values."," PUSH HL","Save the upper row address on the stack."," CALL 22AAH","Call the ROM to put the lower row address in HL." 1 you will return to this page and the picture will remain as you left it." 1 with this mag toover `140 for he GRAFPAD.","end2" 1 vertical flip, 1 tohere^. 1 to"'"answer a"'"clue."''" 1 to read again or, 1 to quit & load 16/48PAD.": 1 to produce the unscrambled screen."''"If you press 1 to page backwards."''" 1 to move, Cursor sets size 1 to fetch the frame. PRESS 1 to combine all ink or 1 to cancel.)" 1 to cancel. " 1 to XOR ink, 1 scroll ink. 1 or cursor, 1 or cursor to move corner 1 or cursor 1 or ENTER to cancel. " 1 horizontal flip, 1 forthis^. 1 for yes) " 1 for the menu." 1 for the first 10." 1 for menu. " 1 for flash. " 1 for brightness. " 1 for border colour. ": 1 for PAPER colour. ": 1 for INK colour. " 1 changes"'"mode"'"(across or"'"down)"''"Press"'" 1 cancels.": 1 cancels." 1 cancels. ": 1 cancels. " 1 WINDOW SCROLL 1 TO SEE A DEMO SCREEN" 1 START THE TAPE 1 QUITS"''" 1 PUSH DE","Put the last address of the fileon the stack."," POP BC","Fetch the final address into BC."," RET","Back to basic." 1 PUSH AF","The zero loop starts here by saving the the counter."," LD A,0","Fetch a zero."," LD (DE),A","Put a zero on the screen." 1 PUSH AF","Save the counter" 1 POP AF","Restore the Stack Pointer to thereturn address."," RET","Back to Basic." 1 LOADED - PRESS ANY KEY 1 LD A,(HL)","Get the next byte."," OR A","Check for zero."," JR NZ, 1 LD A,(HL)","Fetch byte."," LDI","Move (HL) to (DE), increment HL and DE, decrement BC."," RET PO","If BC=0 we have finished."," OR A","Check byte for zero." 1 LD A,(HL)","Fetch byte."," LDI","Move (HL) to (DE), increment HL and DE, decrement BC." 1 DON'T RUN OR CLEAR:GOTO 1.": 1 DEC E","Remove the original 1."," LD A,E","A now holds the number of zeros to be added."," POP DE","Fetch the pointer."," LD (DE),A","Store the count."," INC DE","Point to the next space."," JR 1 B";b;" 1 AGAIN ? (Y/N) 1 = PAINT PLUS",""," 1 = MELBOURNE DRAW" 1 = GRAFPAD",""," 1 = ARTIST",""," 1 = 16/48PAD",""," 1 (for kolour!) mode the attribute cursor is moved with the direction keys. CAPS SHIFT sets the attributes to the values shown at the bottom of the screen." 1 for tape,"; 1 for microdrive,"; 1 for menu." 1 UP & RIGHT"'" 1 UP & RIGHT" 1 INVALID 1 INTRODUCTION 1 HOW IT WORKS 1 DOWN & RIGHT"'" 1 DOWN & LEFT"'" 1 "; 1 ";